The aim of the Airsoft Universe project is to unify and raise airsoft in Slovakia to the level of a full-fledged sport. The basic pillar of the association will be the creation of a cooperation scheme,which will be built on all the playgrounds and the main representatives of airsoft in Slovakia. An important factor will be the unification of the rules and the setting of the basic sport values of airsoft as a full-fledged activity so that it can be applied to the sports scheme of Slovakia over time based on Western examples such as Great Britain, America or France.
The main reason for founding the ASU association is to unite the airsoft community in Slovakia, to improve airsoft as a sport, to raise awareness in society in which airsoft is often seen as "pretending to be soldiers" and to highlight the added value of airsoft activities, where the main pillars of the airsoft community are teamwork, perseverance, activity and ensuring sufficient movement and physical activity for all age groupsas well as to unify the rules for airsoft. Creating a community that will improve this sport and keep the tradition of this sport alive.
An important factor of the association will be the selection of individual members, thanks to which the added value will be able to grow, such as the ability of the governing body to deal with communication with the relevant authorities, European funds, subsidies, setting up a public communication line and managing events organized by the airsoft association.